Sunday, December 16, 2012

Will's Weekly Repurposing Project

Fellow APES Students,

Well, my week for the repurposing project finally rolled around...better late than never I suppose.  It took me forever to figure out which item I wanted to repurpose and how I wanted to do it.  After over an hour of scrolling through Pinterest and other DIY websites, I decided to look around and see what I had an excess of or things that I normally just threw away.  I stumbled upon some of my Mom's clothespins and was immediately reminded of a Christmas ornament I had made in preschool back in the day.  I grabbed three of them and began to fashion my Rudolph ornament.  I used wood glue to hold them together with two facing down for the legs and another facing up for the head and antlers.  After the glue dried, I grabbed some googly eyes and a piece of red felt and attached them to the front clothespin and.....tada!  It's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

In my quest to find items for use, I came across a stack of old compact discs (CDs), one of which was scratched pretty badly.  So instead of throwing it away, I searched for ways to repurpose it and found this gem on Youtube:

This video was short, sweet, and to the point and I was actually able to get it right the first time.  Mine may not have looked quite as good as the one in the video, but it definitely served its purpose.  I would have shared photos of my creations with y'all, however I left both with Miss Bergeron on Friday.  I thoroughly enjoyed this project and I learned the importance of recreating items for different uses instead of just throwing them away.  After seeing all the awesome things out there on the web, I realize that almost anything can be repurposed and that it is our responsibility to do so in any way we can to keep trash from filling our landfills and polluting our planet!

Stay green and peace out!

Will Maness

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