Cameron's Weekly Repurposing Project!
Attention everyone, this is Cameron here to tell you about my weekly repurposing project! When first handed this assignment I had no idea what to do. Some classmates came to me and gave me ideas and they were good ones, but not things I really wanted to do. I didn't decide on my project until I did some research on the Internet. Finally, I saw an idea I absolutely knew I had to do. I was on Martha Stewart's website when I saw a picture of this piggy bank that was made out of a plastic water bottle. I thought the pig was adorable and I knew that was what I was going to do. However, to make my project a little more exciting, instead of doing just a plain old piggy bank, I decided to make my bank into the mascot (a ram) of UNC- Chapel Hill.
Making this piggy bank was pretty simple. First thing to do was to get all my supplies which included a clean, washed one litter water bottle, scissors, a razor, cotton balls, a black marker, glue, blue pipe cleaners, water caps, end tip erasers that are put on pencils, and goggle eyes. These were all items that were just laying around my eyes.
The Supplies |
First I cut the slit in the water bottle that the money was to be put in. Next, I molded the pipe cleaners into a circular spiral for the horns on my ram. Then I glued the goggle eyes on and began to glue the cotton balls on as well. As I began gluing the cotton balls on I realized that you couldn't see the slit I had cut to put the money in so i outline the hole in black marker. The last step was gluing on the feet that I made by gluing water bottle caps to the bottom of the ram and then gluing on the end tip erasers that go on the end of pencils. These erasers allowed the ram to actually "stand up."
Finding the Slit |
Gluing |
After all this was done I finally had a cute little ram that kind of resembled the mascot of UNC. It still kind of looked like a pig though.
Repurposing plastic bottles reduces oil consumption in the US, the amount of bottle rotting in landfills, and land and water pollution. I chose to repurpose plastic bottles because for me, everyday I drink at least one bottle of water and just throw it away. I don't even bother to recycle it and don't think twice about what I'm doing by throwing it away. After doing this project I realize that this isn't the best thing to do because I'm increasing oil consumption, adding another bottle to our landfills, and aiding in polluting the environment. Repurposing this item wasn't hard and it was actually a really fun project. I enjoyed it a lot and hope it inspires others for ideas on their repurposing projects!
Martha Stewart website I got idea from: